Create the Quality of life you want

Welcome! My name is Todd Burrier. Over two decades ago I was blessed to have been laid off in the banking industry during a time of economic upheaval. This led me to search for a way to have more control over my own future. I wound up in the home business world. After seven hard years of lessons and personal growth, I found a way to build a highly successful business from home, using some very basic and simple human principles. I have since been able to mentor many people on the path to a better life through creating a home based income stream. This blog is dedicated to helping anyone in a networking style business succeed. I will be sharing proven concepts for growing and leading a successful business. Anyone who is nice, honest, and committed to succeeding can do what I teach. If there are any topics you specifically would like me to address as we go along, just let me know. To comment on any posting mouse over next to the time of the post.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Bag of Gifts

Suppose you woke up this morning and you had a giant bag of gifts sitting in your room. You don't know where it came just magically appeared in the middle of the night. When you looked in this bag of gifts, it appeared that whatever you really needed in your life was in to speak. Actually, what was in there was a clear guide for all your needs. You see, the bag of gifts is magical in that it understands that you need to put some effort into things or you won't learn or appreciate what you get. The bag of gifts knows that if you are GIVEN abundance you will simply magnify what you currently are at this moment, instead of grow through the process to become more as a person.

You are excited because you know that with access to the guides that are in this bag you can finally move forward in the areas of life that you want to. You don't have to feel stuck or frustrated that you don't know how to accomplish meeting these needs. You could almost look at the bag of gifts as a bag of answers! After you take out your particular answer guides, you notice that the bag is still full...only for some reason, you can't quite figure out what else is in there know matter how hard you try. So you tell your wife or husband about this cool bag and they look into it. And in this bag THEY find the answer guides that they need...after they take out theirs, you again notice that the bag is still full of stuff that neither of you can quite figure out.

So you call a friend of yours and tell them about this incredible bag you found and you ask them if they would come over and look at it. They think you are a little crazy...actually they think you have totally lost your marbles! But, curiosity gets the better of them and they come over and look...and VOILA the bag contains the answer guides for them too! Once they take theirs out, the bag still remains full of stuff that all three of you cannot discern...but it is now beginning to dawn on you. This bag might be endless. This bag might contain answer guides for everyone!

What are you going to do now? Are you going to keep the bag to yourself? Or are you going to call everyone and let them know that you might have the answer to what they are looking for? Of course you are going to call everyone and tell them that you might have an answer to what they are looking for. BUT, will everyone believe you enough to take a look in the bag? NO...some people won't be able to get past their own limited beliefs and won't be open-minded enough to look. Does that make your bag any less magical? NO, it only means that this person will miss the opportunity, at least for now, to look in the bag.

The question is, will you stop sharing the bag just because someone else is close-minded?

You see once you really understand what's in the bag?...Once you KNOW what's in the bag? You will tell everyone about it, and let them decide.

Your business is the bag, now who are you going to invite to look in?

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