Create the Quality of life you want

Welcome! My name is Todd Burrier. Over two decades ago I was blessed to have been laid off in the banking industry during a time of economic upheaval. This led me to search for a way to have more control over my own future. I wound up in the home business world. After seven hard years of lessons and personal growth, I found a way to build a highly successful business from home, using some very basic and simple human principles. I have since been able to mentor many people on the path to a better life through creating a home based income stream. This blog is dedicated to helping anyone in a networking style business succeed. I will be sharing proven concepts for growing and leading a successful business. Anyone who is nice, honest, and committed to succeeding can do what I teach. If there are any topics you specifically would like me to address as we go along, just let me know. To comment on any posting mouse over next to the time of the post.

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Revisiting the idea of working hard in the Spring Season

I know I have talked recently about the season of Spring in the business being upon us, so bear with me for bringing it up again, but it is sooooooo important to get this. Now is the spring of your business. Now is the time to make sacrifices and work very hard. You only get

I read this today and it is just too good not to share it. It is from Jim Rohn:

"The difference between an inadequate apartment and a mansion on a hill is the same as the difference between average effort in the spring, and massive effort in the spring. Nature always promises that a cup produces a bushel...that we will receive more than we plant. Knowing this, as all of us do, we forget that to reap many bushels, which is the measure of success, we must plant many cups. Massive action in the spring of life still is the requirement for massive success in the fall."

I will give you two of my personal examples for insight. 15 years ago, I worked 80 straight days, often 16 hours per day, planting as fast as I could. I have been reaping the bounty of this ever since. I still to this day receive bushel after bushel from these seeds. I am not suggesting you do this, it is way way way out of balance...unless of course your personal life situation would deem this necessary...I am just giving you a real example of the power of excessive planting in the spring. I did a few years of planting in one short season and the multiplication has been 15 years of bushels so far!

Another more reasonable example was 11 years ago, I took a 60 day season and planted in a focused way 2 hours per day. This means I committed 2 hours per day specifically to approaches. From that effort, I added approximately $3o,ooo per year to my income for the past 10 years.

I have done this at other times as well, but these are two examples of focused planting to give you some handle on the possibility in your hands at the moment in this season. The need for what you are doing has never been greater, and the ability to spread your message, because of technology has never been better. It is far simpler to plant now than ever. Some of you, will focus and plant and because of the current dynamics in the market place will reap much more than I in the coming years. The time for planting is now. Plant your cups as fast as you can.

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