Create the Quality of life you want

Welcome! My name is Todd Burrier. Over two decades ago I was blessed to have been laid off in the banking industry during a time of economic upheaval. This led me to search for a way to have more control over my own future. I wound up in the home business world. After seven hard years of lessons and personal growth, I found a way to build a highly successful business from home, using some very basic and simple human principles. I have since been able to mentor many people on the path to a better life through creating a home based income stream. This blog is dedicated to helping anyone in a networking style business succeed. I will be sharing proven concepts for growing and leading a successful business. Anyone who is nice, honest, and committed to succeeding can do what I teach. If there are any topics you specifically would like me to address as we go along, just let me know. To comment on any posting mouse over next to the time of the post.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Using Events

An event can be any forum where your business opportunity is being presented. It can be a conference call, a webinar, a home meeting, or a meeting in a commercial location. The power to events is that you have the opportunity to leverage your time, and add value to the event at the same time.

The leveraging aspect comes from the point that you can invite as many people as you want to an event, because the event isn't a specific personal exchange. If you are smart, you will be at or on every event anyway, because you also learn from these. Each time the business is presented you can learn new information, or catch a new key point, or hear something you've heard before in a new way. You get better while you are having other people hear the presentation. This also affirms what you might have already said, if the person knows something about your business or it can be a sifting tool if the person knows nothing.

The thing that you must absolutely understand is that everyone who says they will be in an event, will not be in an event. If you are inviting to an in-home, and there is only room to comfortably seat 8 in the living room, don't stop inviting when you have 8 people who say they are coming. Why? Because you will not have 8 people. I don't care who you are, you won't have 8 out of 8. You will have 2 or 3 if you are lucky. If you want to have 8, make sure you have around 20 who say that they are coming.

This is just the way it is. Some will forget. Some will have something come up that they decide is more important than coming to learn about your business. Some will have an emergency or have a baby-sitter back out. Others will say they are coming just so they don't have to say no, knowing full well that they are not going to show up. Why would they do this? I don't know...and it's pointless to waste time trying to figure it out...just know that this is the way it is! I once had 25 people say yes, to have 3 show up. I have also been the speaker at meetings where I drove hours to get there, and the host had 12 people confirmed and NO ONE showed up. It happens. Always invite more than you could handle.

If you are inviting to a conference call or a webinar, the numbers are actually worse. Why? I don't know:-) Probably because people can forget these easier and it's not as visible if they don't show up. So if you invite to a conference call or webinar, make sure you text them or call them again right before it starts and give them a reminder of the "start time";). I'm just giving you the are great tools but lots of people won't show up...however for the ones who do, events are incredibly effective.

The self-evidency of an event magnifies the ability of the prospect to see the possibility as being real. Now it is more than just you saying it is real. There are new stories and other information and other people looking or that they can hear. 20 people in a room is powerful. 30 people on a conference call from around the country is powerful. You also are part of the event. You help to make the event self-evident. Always support group events in your area because this is good for everyone. So whatever is coming up...invite invite invite!

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